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Struggling? Want to Make your life easier?

Online Therapy is the solution
Are you feeling challenged & stretched?

There can be daily challenges in many areas of life. These may include managing relationships, the stress of working from home, or lack of structure. At the moment, many are struggling with corona-anxiety (more about that later). That can bring with it anxieties about loss of social leisure activities and financial worries.

It’s not easy and this is normal. You are not alone in the struggle. Millions of people may be in a similar place and struggling with similar thoughts and feelings. Many may be feeling generally more worried and anxious. Some may be ‘stretched’ in their personal relationships whether as a couple, parent, sibling, son or daughter. One can feel quite vulnerable and fragile (see eggs below!).

Online therapy in Manchester can help you feel less fragile and more resilient in these tough times.

Online Therapy in the comfort of your own home.
You are not going anywhere anyway!

The benefits of teletherapy and online therapy are many!

It is convenient and easy to access.  You can be receiving therapy in the comfort of your own home at a time and place that works for you. There are no travel issues with extra time and costs to get to the therapy centre. Some emotional difficulties such as panic and anxiety can make it difficult for some clients to access therapy. This is sometimes due to being avoidant and fearful. Thus teletherapy or online therapy makes that initial introduction to therapy more gradual and perhaps less frightening.

Other benefits include being able to find a therapist anywhere in the world that has the speciality you need. I was recently contacted by clients in Indonesia, Austria and South Africa. They came to me for online therapy in Manchester as they were looking for a specific type of therapy that I offer.

If you are struggling to fit in another commitment outside of work and family commitments, then online therapy can help. It will save you travel time. You can even receive your therapy in convenient places like your car during your lunch break!

The Convenience of Online Therapy

Many clients and couples like to be able to have the couple counselling in the comfort of their own home. Additionally, it can be helpful to experience the positive impact of therapy in your own environment.

Often Online therapy can often cost less. This is because many therapists can reduce costs of therapy room rental fees. Therefore they can charge less for online counselling as opposed to person to person sessions.

So whether you want online therapy in Manchester, the United Kingdom or in fact anywhere in the world, then be in touch. We can discuss how teletherapy or online therapy in Manchester can help you manage better with your emotions. Teletherapy and online therapy can also significantly help with your relationship.

How does teletherapy or online therapy work?

We have an initial no-obligation brief telephone conversation to see if it would be helpful to work together. This can be by WhatsApp video call, Skype or Zoom.

Following that initial discussion, we schedule an initial assessment session. At this session, we discuss in detail what has led you to seek therapy. We also explore how your current challenge is impacting on your life. Most importantly I will share my thoughts about how therapy can help you manage your challenging situation. If you agree and are happy to try out a few sessions, we then schedule a few sessions. These sessions can be weekly or fortnightly at a convenient day and time for you. Sessions can be by phone, Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp video call or any other online platform that may be available.

Between sessions, I may email leaflets, worksheets and short video clips to watch. These worksheets can then be used during and also between sessions. They help to reinforce and develop helpful tools and techniques to manage better.

We review the therapy sessions every few weeks. This makes sure you are benefitting and get the most value from the therapy.

Now is a great time & opportunity for growth

And if not now, when?’ (Hillel the Elder)

Due to the current lockdown because of the Coronavirus, many people are forced into slowing down. They may also be faced with a number of challenges. These may include managing stress, worry and strains on their relationships. These testing times can perhaps be seen as a wonderful opportunity. A time to invest in your wellbeing. Or even a time to focus on your relationships as a partner or parent.

Sometimes life can be quite ‘full-on’. We can be stuck in an ongoing cycle of doing more and more. It’s almost as if much of life can be on autopilot. This leaves little opportunity to pause and reflect. Perhaps this challenging time due to the Coronavirus may also offer a ‘doorway’. A ‘doorway’ to be able to step back, reflect and make changes. These can really uplift and enhance one’s life, relationships and well-being.

Get the support you need

Why wait? Be in touch to see what is on offer. Most of my clients find that the value they get from the small investment in themselves has a long-lasting impact. This has benefits both for themselves and others in their lives.

There is online therapy available for anxiety, stress, low mood, depression, health anxiety, OCD as well as relationship difficulties.

Be in touch for a free, confidential and no-obligation discussion. We can talk together about what may be helpful to make your current situation easier and more pleasant.

The most important investment you can make is in yourself.” Warren Buffett

Gary Janit

I offer confidential individual psychotherapy & CBT as well as Imago Relationship Therapy in Manchester.
I am registered and accredited with the following professional organisations, abiding by their ethical codes:
BABCP (British Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies), UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy), HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council) as well being a graduate member of the BPS (British Psychological Society).

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