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This week is Marriage Week in the UK!

Service your car? Why not service your relationship?

Online couple therapy is that yearly service. 

Did you even know that there was such a thing as marriage week? I didn’t and found out by accident. I’m super excited to know that there is such a concept. Let me tell you a bit about it as well as opportunities for online couple therapy and coaching.

Marriage Week is an annual celebration of marriage and relationships. The main message of marriage week is a reminder that marriage is necessary and worthwhile investing in. Research shows that stable families make for happier children and grown-ups. Married couples (or partners) who work at their marriage or relationship are more likely to stay together. They also have a better chance of finding ongoing happiness.

Each Marriage Week has a theme. The purpose of this theme is to provide a focus for couples to work on some aspect of their marriage at least once a year. The aim is for couples to invest in their relationship and to keep caring and nurturing it. Marriage week gives a boost to couples. It is an opportunity to reflect and enhance the relationship. Online couple therapy makes it easier than ever to tap into this relationship-enhancing opportunity.

‘The Forever Conversation’.

This year’s theme is an invitation to reflect on your relationship as it is now. Then to take stock and to ask where the relationship is heading. What might the future look like in your ideal marriage or relationship?

To help with taking stock of the relationship, I offer a comprehensive online assessment. The couple fills this out individually in the comfort of their own home. This then provides a detailed outline of the couple’s areas of strength as well as the areas to work on and grow into.

There are many powerful and easy to use exercises and skills. These will enhance the positive in your relationship. Additionally the powerful insights, knowledge, and tools will provide ways to manage the more challenging parts of the relationship. These may include enhancing communication and working through frustrations in helpful ways.

The relationship vision exercise is a life-changing exercise. It helps the couple to focus on their shared vision for your ideal love relationship.


There is no better time than Now!

What better a time to work on your relationship than now! Especially when times may be challenging due to the current coronavirus pandemic.

It would appear that many relationships are struggling. This may be due to the stress of being in lockdown. Or due to being at home with one’s partner and possibly childcare stressors as well.

With many couples stuck at home, this is a wonderful opportunity. A great opportunity to find out more about how easy it is to access online couple therapy. So many couples are spending more time with each other than they normally do. Couples may also be experiencing more stressors than normal. This may be impacting negatively on the relationship.

A healthy marriage is a skill. Couples can learn new skills and gain insights that can turn a good relationship into a great relationship. A great marriage or relationship can be learned, just the same way as someone can learn a new skill or trade.

Your most important investment!

Invest in your relationship for the sake of your marriage. This investment could be the most important undertaking you do for your children. Create a safe space for your relationship. A safe and nurturing space that your relationship can grow in. That same space is where your children will develop. So why not invest in your relationship.


This current time of challenge during the coronavirus is also an opportunity. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to look back at this time as a time of growth in your relationships? To be able to come out of this challenging time with a healthier and more connected relationship with your loved one.

Online couple therapy

I offer couples a thorough online assessment. This provides a detailed view of the relationship. Couples each separately fill out a detailed online questionnaire about their relationship. This feedback provides me with an in-depth analysis of the relationship. From here we have some follow up sessions that focus on highlighting areas of strength that the couple is doing right. We also look to find the areas of growth that will lead to creating as healthy a marriage as possible.

I will provide you with effective knowledge and tools to make this possible.

Help is available by giving you life-changing information, inspiration, and tools. This will give you and your loved ones the best chance of lasting connection and happiness.




UK National Marriage Week 2020 is 11th – 17th May.

Gary Janit

I offer confidential individual psychotherapy & CBT as well as Imago Relationship Therapy in Manchester.
I am registered and accredited with the following professional organisations, abiding by their ethical codes:
BABCP (British Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies), UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy), HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council) as well being a graduate member of the BPS (British Psychological Society).

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