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You may have noticed by now that you receive a weekly health & well-being short 1-minute email on most Sunday mornings.

I am hoping that you find them helpful? And thanks to those who give occasional feedback. It is much appreciated.

But I would like to be even more helpful…

 Let me know what you struggle most with so I can make sure that my weekly 1-minute emails are of great use…

 Do you struggle most with:

  • Emotional eating…eating for other reasons such as boredom, anxiety, stress, loneliness etc?
  • Managing cravings and strong urges for sugary, salty and/or fatty foods?
  • Getting back on track when you fall off your ‘diet’ (or eating plan as I like to rather call ‘diets!)?
  • Being kind to yourself and noticing what’s good about yourself?
  • Knowing the difference between hunger, thirst and cravings?
  • Eating slowly and mindfully?
  • Your relationship with your scale!?
  • Following a healthy eating schedule?
  • Making time to plan and prepare meals?

The good news is that I will be covering all of the above struggles (and much more) in my next 5-week online course which will be in June…the course has been improved and now includes an extra module on forming healthy habits + a free daily planner to keep you on track.

Join the waitlist if you think you may be interested & I will be sure to secure you a place on the course and offer you the early bird rate.

I am also recording my course so that it will be available to purchase and watch in your own time.

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