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Guess what…we use affirmations all the time…

We are constantly thinking and telling ourselves a story…

Much of our thinking is automatic and unfortunately quite negative…worries, planning, rumination, dwelling and self-critical thinking.

Given that thoughts are powerful, why not take a little time to focus on how you would like life to be.


Daily affirmations offer a constant reminder of what you’re capable of and what you deserve. Staying focused on your wants and desires can help turn those ideals into reality.


Institute For Integrative Nutrition


Try out the following Affirmations for Health and Well-being

  • I am worthy of a healthy body.
  • I treat myself self-compassionately by looking after my health & body.
  • I deserve to be in good health and feel good about myself.
  • I honour my body by trusting the signals that it sends me.
  • I accept myself the way I am.
  • I am grateful for my current state of health as well as my amazing body
  • My health & weight may fluctuate from day to day, and that’s okay.

How to Practice Daily Affirmations:

  • Write them down
  • Keep them in the present tense
  • Keep them positive and focus on exactly what you want
  • Repeat them often
  • Read or say them out aloud
  • Visualise yourself living your affirmations

Gary Janit

I offer confidential individual psychotherapy & CBT as well as Imago Relationship Therapy in Manchester.
I am registered and accredited with the following professional organisations, abiding by their ethical codes:
BABCP (British Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies), UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy), HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council) as well being a graduate member of the BPS (British Psychological Society).

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