Does this describe your struggle?
- Struggled to lose weight & keep it off?
- Fed up with fad diets having lost weight and then put it back on…time and time again?
- No matter what you try, you can’t achieve the weight/ health you deserve?
- Feel hopeless that anything can help you get to your goal weight and be able to stay there?
You are not alone, most people:
- Have trouble consistently sticking to a diet
- Struggle to lose weight only to gain it back
- Try approximately 55 diets over the course of a lifetime
The reason you haven’t been able to do this successfully is because you don’t know how.

Our solution
‘Don’t diet, do this’ instead and get the health you deserve
A unique and different approach to health, well-being & weight management.
- Solve the underlying weight loss issues FIRST before starting a diet or eating plan.
- Find out how to lose and maintain a healthy weight forever by learning the key tools & skills that no-one ever taught you.
- Learn the tools and skills to manage the mind – one of the most powerful & important tools to be able to maintain a healthy balanced weight forever. Change your thinking, manage your emotions, and hence your eating habits & lifestyle will improve.
- You will learn how to manage cravings, emotional eating & hunger as well as the importance of self-credit & self-compassion.
- You will learn the art & science of how to build healthy habits into your life one step at a time.
- You will learn how to get back on track and stay motivated ongoing.
And so much more.
The Health You Deserve online courses and products are appropriate for anyone who seeks to maintain a healthy weight (but has previously struggled) & balanced lifestyle.
You’re tired of trying various diets and products & you want to finally find a sustainable and manageable way of living that you can keep up to for the rest of your life.
Don’t be one of the many who fail over and over again.
Why you’ve previously struggled
- Losing weight (and keeping it off) is not just a matter of willpower and a healthy eating plan.
- To be successful long-term, you have to lay a solid foundation before even considering a diet or eating plan.
- Without this foundation, most people can’t stick to a healthy eating plan long-term.
- You have to learn a set of essential tools & skills that create the foundation for life. These include cognitive (thinking) and behavioural skills to be successful for life.
- This is the missing ingredient and the reason why so many fail to maintain a healthy balanced weight.
Most people struggle with losing weight and keeping it off because no one ever taught them how!

What’s different about our weight management approach?
Other weight-loss programmes assume that you have the tools and skills to be able to follow a diet. This isn’t the case and leads millions of dieters to feel a sense of failure when they can’t sustain their diet or they gain the weight back.
My programmes, courses and products focus mainly on giving you the understanding, tools and skills which is key, so you can keep up any sensible healthy eating plan for the rest of your life.
How to diet and how to get back on track so you can have the ‘Health You Deserve’…
You will learn the 10 essential foundational pillars that most dieters miss but are essential to achieving success in losing weight & keeping it off.
- Manage emotional eating so that food is no longer a way of coping
- Feel in control even during stressful times
- Enjoy your food with greater appreciation & eat mindfully
- Lead a more balanced life leading to less stress and feeling better
- Be kind to yourself, giving yourself credit for your daily successes
- Cultivate self-compassion to deal with setbacks
- Differentiate between hunger, thirst, cravings & desire – and knowing how to deal with all of these
- Stay motivated and focused on a healthy lifestyle forever
- Stay on track & get back on track when struggling
- Mindset tools to tackle unhelpful thoughts & feelings
Changing the way you think about food and weight management
You’ll discover how to do all the above to be able to ‘diet’ successfully starting with changing the way you think.
- With over 20 years of helping clients, I’ve worked with thousands of clients using various helpful psychological approaches including CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) techniques that have now been found to be an essential foundation in equipping dieters with the foundation they need to manage a diet successfully.
- Research shows that successful programmes combine diet, exercise, and psychological intervention. It’s been proven that the psychological element considerably improves the long-term results.
How our weight management programme works
- The various programmes, workshops and products I offer, empower dieters to be able to make healthy and sustainable lifestyle choices.
- CBT for weight loss & management is very different from other attitudes and programmes to weight loss. It is a psychological programme and not a food plan. You are not told what to eat but can select your own nutritional diet or eating plan (we however have our in-house nutritionist who can assist in this regard).
- The ‘Health You Deserve’ courses (also known as ‘Don’t Diet, Do This Instead’) takes you through a process to change sabotaging thoughts (that cause you to stray from your diet) to helpful thinking (that will lead to success).
Losing weight was the main reason I attended Gary’s health and weight loss training. I already have a plethora of books and dieting ideas stored in my brain. The CBT reprogramming was a big factor in helping me put into practice what I already knew as ways to make lifestyle changes and healthy eating. To date I have lost about 19kg and have about 20kg more to go before reaching a target weight. I’m closer to my goal weight than I ever was.
Mrs C.B.
I really benefited from the program, I’ve lost 2lb a week since I started without following a particular diet, just more aware and focused.
Through Gary’s CBT and mindfulness training, I was able to begin creating positive and helpful thought processes in my brain. Gary helped us understand the thought processes that can really give us control of our choices.
Zach K
I’m glad I attended the health and well-being training when I was experiencing difficulty managing my emotions and related health issues. I’m now back to feeling myself again and Gary has taught me to understand how I can better manage stress and keep my health and weight balanced in the future. I’d recommend Gary if you need any support – it really does help.
I have always come away feeling I can tackle any barriers to my weight loss. Sessions are always relaxed and I have been able to open up about areas of my life I would really like to improve on. So far I have been able to lose weight successfully and I have managed to make changes to my lifestyle that have felt natural and easy to implement. I am now looking forward to reaching my target weight.