Today, just like in the old days, if you were listening to the radio and did not like the music, commentary or news…what would you do?
You would change channels from ‘Doom & Gloom FM’ to a more pleasant station such as Classic FM, Gratitude FM, Positivity FM, Happiness FM etc…you get the idea!
Just like you can change frequencies on a radio to a more pleasant channel, so too can you change the frequency of your thoughts to a ‘higher-more-pleasant-frequency’ such as:
- Gratitude FM – thoughts of appreciation & gratitude where you pay attention to what is going well in your life
- Best Case Scenario FM – thinking and imagining the best-case scenario rather than the worst-case scenario (which the mind often does)
- Presence FM – focusing some of your attention on the present moment, noticing sounds, sights, what you can feel, smell and taste. Also focusing on the breath can be centering and calming too
- Self-Credit FM – noticing big and small positives about yourself, where you give some attention to everything you have achieved in the day, no matter how small.
You can change, ignore or re-focus your thoughts…at any moment…