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The Best Medicine… Lifestyle

What is the best medicine? Many believe it is a good simple healthy balanced lifestyle! If you get this right, then many physical and emotional difficulties are minimised! In fact, with most of my clients, before we even begin focusing on the specific problem they have, we make sure to do as much as possible to…

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Don’t Give Up

Much can be learnt from Thomas Edison, whose birthday it is today… We learn about never giving up and that ‘failure’ is part of the normal journey towards success. Thomas Edison’s teachers said he was “too stupid to learn anything.” He was fired from his first two jobs for being “non-productive.” As an inventor, Edison made 1,000…

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Your Mind is Not Always Your Friend

We all struggle to some extent with our thinking minds. As a fellow human being, I also struggle with managing my thoughts. Perhaps you have noticed that your mind… thinks a lot about the future, with many ‘what if’s’ or worst-case scenario thoughts can be quite self-critical, noticing and commenting on any mistakes or errors may have many ‘shoulds’…

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You Need To Do This Daily

So, what is this one thing you need to do daily to be able to stay on track and continuously move in the direction of health and well-being? It’s not what you think… It is BEING KIND TO YOURSELF! Not what you expected, right? Most of us are very hard on ourselves and tend to notice more…

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Make It Easy On Yourself And Defeat The Blues

It’s now the last week of February and I am hoping you don’t look and feel like the image above! Some people find this time of the year difficult in that some of the good New Years’ intentions are perhaps proving difficult to keep up. The following are a few tips to get back on track…

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The word ‘Diet’ makes me sick

  Diets tend not to work in the long term (as you may have personally discovered) and in actual fact can be blamed for weight gain, low self-esteem, sadness and many more negatives. How about the words, ‘Eating Plan for Life’…doesn’t that already sound better? Ahh, an eating plan that is sustainable and manageable for the…

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Panic Attacks

Am I having a panic attack? A client, called Tom, described to me an intense wave of fear where his heart was pounding. He couldn’t catch his breath and reported feeling like he was dying. He was also starting to avoid many places and situations for fear of having other panic attacks. Tom’s situation, described…

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Bad habits from the Pandemic

How did you cope? Have you picked up any bad habits from the pandemic? If the stress of COVID and living through the pandemic has disrupted your healthy routines, you’re not alone! Several recent surveys about the impact of COVID have reported interesting facts. For example, around 70% of respondents in one survey reported gaining…

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Dealing with Anxiety

Is it possible to Deal with Anxiety? Before the pandemic, studies showed that 1 in 6 adults in the UK suffered from anxiety or depression. It will come as no surprise that the pandemic and other recent events have increased that the level of anxiety around the country. Do you need help dealing with anxiety?…

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Holistic Health in Manchester can get you in balance

Are you living a holistic and balanced lifestyle? Innate Well Being I have always dreamed of having a holistic centre. Not sure why but since being a teenager this was something that was part of my vision.   That vision has now become a reality. One thing that holding a vision in mind has taught me, is…

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Online Therapy in Manchester

Struggling? Want to Make your life easier? Online Therapy is the solution Are you feeling challenged & stretched? There can be daily challenges in many areas of life. These may include managing relationships, the stress of working from home, or lack of structure. At the moment, many are struggling with corona-anxiety (more about that later).…

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Pain & Discomfort are an opportunity for growth

In relationships we may look at conflict, difference and pain as a ‘bad thing’ but actually frustrations and conflict can be an opportunity for growth…see the following quote below. When couples can see frustrations as an opportunity for growth, the relationship takes a different journey… Watch this YouTube video of Abraham Twerski talking about…

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