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Relationship Problems

The couples struggle is a common problem One of the most common enquiries I get is for couples counselling. It would appear that anxiety and relationship problems are affecting so many lives. These are the two problems that tend to show up most in my therapy office. This brief article will highlight some of the…

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Struggling with your weight & health?

Struggling with your weight & health? You are normal! Are you struggling with weight loss? Guess what, most people struggle with getting to and maintaining a healthy weight. So you are not alone! In fact, the research says that approximately 70% of people, especially busy professionals and executives, are either overweight or obese. Another shocking…

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Online couple therapy

This week is Marriage Week in the UK! Service your car? Why not service your relationship? Online couple therapy is that yearly service.  Did you even know that there was such a thing as marriage week? I didn’t and found out by accident. I’m super excited to know that there is such a concept. Let…

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Holistic Health in Manchester can get you in balance

Are you living a holistic and balanced lifestyle? Innate Well Being I have always dreamed of having a holistic centre. Not sure why but since being a teenager this was something that was part of my vision.   That vision has now become a reality. One thing that holding a vision in mind has taught me, is…

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Weight loss in Manchester

Struggling with health & weight loss? Diets not working? There is a solution! Cbt for weight loss in Manchester I’m struggling with my health and weight loss You are not alone. Most people struggle with managing their health. It can be very challenging to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. Of course, we may have good…

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Online Therapy in Manchester

Struggling? Want to Make your life easier? Online Therapy is the solution Are you feeling challenged & stretched? There can be daily challenges in many areas of life. These may include managing relationships, the stress of working from home, or lack of structure. At the moment, many are struggling with corona-anxiety (more about that later).…

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Relationship-Enhancing Idea # 3: Closing Exits (don’t leave it too late)

Knowing that it is normal to experience hurt, pain & frustrations (the power struggle phase) in relationships, don’t just leave it but seek help early to be able to experience real love again. Last time we learnt that following the ‘honeymoon phase’ (phase 1) couples will encounter the ‘power struggle’ (phase 2). This is normal…

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Relationship-Enhancing Idea # 2: Frustrations are normal!

DREAM RELATIONSHIPS Conflict, frustrations and differences in your relationship are normal! You are in stage two. Stay with them, listen, validate and feel more connected through them. Following the ‘honeymoon phase’ (phase 1) all couples will encounter the ‘power struggle’ (phase 2). This is normal and not a sign that anything is wrong. There is…

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Relationship-Enhancing Idea # 1: The Power of Appreciation

DREAM RELATIONSHIPS Relationship-Enhancing Ideas with Gary Janit “In any relationship that matters to you, give praise and appreciation daily. Noticing and appreciating the good in others enhances the connection between you and creates a healthy relationship space”. Putting your appreciations of your spouse or partner into words can transform your relationship and literally save your marriage…

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Frustrated in your relationship? Arguing more? Feeling let down?

You are probably in phase two and that is normal! What happened to my wonderful romantic relationship? What are we not getting on anymore? There is a reason for why there are more frustrations, hurt and pain in your relationship now… Relationships typically go through a number of phases. We all know about the ‘honeymoon…

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Benefits of commitment in your relationship

“Couples in conscious relationships recognise that the committed partnership is a remarkable structure for healing and growth. As partners excavate the past and learn about one another – their unmet needs and lifelong desires, vulnerabilities, wounds, strengths and resources – they can begin to work cooperatively to bring their unconscious directives into consciousness” (Imago International…

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Pain & Discomfort are an opportunity for growth

In relationships we may look at conflict, difference and pain as a ‘bad thing’ but actually frustrations and conflict can be an opportunity for growth…see the following quote below. When couples can see frustrations as an opportunity for growth, the relationship takes a different journey… Watch this YouTube video of Abraham Twerski talking about…

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