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Embracing New Beginnings: A Fresh Look at Our Journey

As a therapist, I have the privilege of witnessing countless stories of transformation and growth. Each individual's journey is unique, yet one common theme we all share is the capacity for renewal and change. Today, I am thrilled to announce a significant change for our community: the launch of our newly redesigned website at CBT…

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How to Talk so you will be Heard

In the last 1-minute Relationship Snippet, we mentioned that listening is an art and can benefit your relationship connection immensely. Equally as important as good listening is how you speak and what you say.  The following are some suggestions when talking…   Try sharing without any shaming blaming or criticising. Try sharing using ‘I’ language rather than ‘you’ e.g. ‘I feel close…

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Doom & Gloom FM to Happiness FM

Today, just like in the old days, if you were listening to the radio and did not like the music, commentary or news…what would you do? You would change channels from ‘Doom & Gloom FM’ to a more pleasant station such as Classic FM, Gratitude FM, Positivity FM, Happiness FM etc…you get the idea!  Just like…

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Hungry, Thirsty or Craving – Part 1

For many years, I used to mistakenly think I was hungry when actually I was thirsty. Thirst, hunger and cravings can be easily confused!  This 1-minute snippet will focus briefly on thirst…the next two snippets will highlight hunger and cravings. The next time you are feeling hungry, check if you are actually thirsty…your body often…

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What Are Your Struggles & How Can I Help You More?

You may have noticed by now that you receive a weekly health & well-being short 1-minute email on most Sunday mornings. I am hoping that you find them helpful? And thanks to those who give occasional feedback. It is much appreciated. But I would like to be even more helpful…  Let me know what you struggle most…

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How You See Yourself Is Extremely Important!

Change is hard. You’ve probably noticed that! We all want to become healthier people but even if we get really inspired and start doing things better, it’s tough to actually stick to new behaviours. James Clear  in his famous book, ‘Atomic Habits’ says that the following can make change easier: Believe in a new healthy identity and then prove…

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Do You Worry? Try This!

We have mentioned before in these 1-minute emotional well-being snippets that your mind is not always your friend!  For example, many of us may think in the following ways: ‘what-if’ type worries, worst-case scenario thoughts, self-critical thoughts, ruminating & dwelling on the past etc. This is what most minds do which can lead to feeling irritable and tense, often even…

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Is There More?

As mentioned previously, listening is an art and can benefit your relationship connection immensely. A great question to ask your partner or spouse when you are listening, is ‘Is there more?’…and of course to really mean it! A very simple three-word question that shows you are interested and happy to listen to whatever else your other half would like to…

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Growth Mindset

I chose to see my struggle with health and being a balanced healthy weight as an opportunity for growth and healing. So instead of looking at my situation as ‘bad’, I rather chose to look at my struggle as a wonderful opportunity as well as a ‘wake-up’ call. Handled correctly with the right mindset and…

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Mindful or Mindless Eating?

Most of us tend to go about much of our lives on automatic pilot. This is a challenge for most human beings to live as conscious a life as possible…living with as much awareness & presence as possible. This lack of awareness also applies to how we manage our health, well-being as well as our relationship to…

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The Wizard of Oz – Lessons for Life

Remember the story of ‘The Wizard of Oz’… After a tornado hurls through Kansas, Dorothy and her dog, Toto, are swept away from their home to the colourful and vibrant Land of Oz. To find their way back home, they must embark on a journey to the Emerald City, where the Wizard of Oz lives. On…

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