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Have recently read a book called the ‘Miracle Morning’ by Hal Elrod.

See The Miracle Morning for more details.

The book focuses on beginning your day in a way that shapes the rest of your day for maximum benefit and potential as well as using mornings to shape your future.

Hal emphasises 6 habits that he claims will transform your life before 8am.

I bought the book in an effort to try and help myself gain more clarity, motivation and direction in my life. Having recently felt abnormally tired, low in motivation and irritable some of the time I felt that perhaps tapping into many of the things that are proven to make a difference might be the way to go.

The 6 habits mentioned in the book are all close to my heart and I believe I (and others) need these ‘secret’ ingredients on a daily basis. If we can tap into these habits I believe it can change the direction of our life and bring tremendous benefits. I have begun to feel the benefits already having decided to implement some of the habits.

I will mention the 6 habits and then elaborate on them in future blogs. Hal calls the habits, ‘Life S.A.V.E.R.S. where each of the letters of the word SAVERS stands for a particular habit. He says that these six practices are guaranteed to save a person from a life of unfulfilled potential. They are as follows:

S is for Silence

A is for Affirmations

V is for Visualisation

E is for Exercise

R is for Reading

S is for Scribing (writing/journaling)

As mentioned above I will write about each of these habits in future blogs. In the meantime have a think about your morning and how it begins, what you do in your morning and what small changes could make a difference.

Some small changes I have made are having a green smoothie most mornings, sitting in silence for a few minutes and reading a list of affirmations (life goals). I am also seeing the value in doing just 7 minutes of exercise and did some light activity yesterday morning. This helped me have more energy for the day. Together with the affirmations I felt much more motivation and find myself writing a blog now after many months of not writing!

It seems to be working. I hope it works for you too. Give it time. Allow for ups and downs and be kind to yourself.

See the following YouTube book summary which may help to give a quick overview of the book.

Wishing you many great mornings to come (starting today!)

Gary Janit

I offer confidential individual psychotherapy & CBT as well as Imago Relationship Therapy in Manchester.
I am registered and accredited with the following professional organisations, abiding by their ethical codes:
BABCP (British Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies), UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy), HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council) as well being a graduate member of the BPS (British Psychological Society).

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