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We have mentioned before in these 1-minute emotional well-being snippets that your mind is not always your friend! 

For example, many of us may think in the following ways: ‘what-if’ type worries, worst-case scenario thoughts, self-critical thoughts, ruminating & dwelling on the past etc.

This is what most minds do which can lead to feeling irritable and tense, often even experiencing anxiety or sometimes panic attacks.

In order to manage the mind in as helpful a way as possible, try the following suggestions:

  • Accept whatever you may be thinking or feeling. There is tremendous power and decrease in anxiety when embracing the state of acceptance.
  • Remind yourself that over 97% of the things we worry about never happen!
  • Just because there is uncertainty, does not mean that the worst case will happen…this uncertain situation could lead to the best-case scenario or just somewhere in between.
  • Remind yourself that in the unlikely case where a particular worry does occur, you can cope better than you think: ‘I can cope just like I have done in the past!’
  • Try bringing your attention back to the present as much as possible…At this moment, generally, everything is fine…the worst case is not happening right now and I am currently coping…to the mind the future is scary!
  • Be grateful for your current situation…thinking thoughts of gratitude puts worrying thoughts in perspective.

The next fortnightly 1-minute Emotional Well-being snippet (which arrives every 2nd Friday morning) will focus further on dealing with difficult emotions such as anxiety mentioned above.

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